Build your leadership presence faster and stronger with
Positive Intelligence® (PQ) Mental Fitness Training

PQ is the science and practice of developing mastery over your own mind so you can reach your full potential for happiness & success.

In high stakes times, your words, tone, and body language carry more weight than usual. You’ll be surprised by how quickly your impact increases with PQ Mental Fitness Training reinforced by instant Video Mirror Feedback®. Call 413-522-0789 to apply.

Recognize any of these challenges?


VMF for Non-Native English Speakers

It's hard enough to feel and sound confident speaking a language that’s not your native tongue. Add to this the exceptions in English (almost endless) and the fact that so much of communication is nonverbal. No wonder English is hard to master!

Watching your short VMF clips with me, you’ll quickly learn to choose the words, gestures, and tone that express yourself most clearly. The more you see and hear yourself improve, the more your confidence grows.

Sound appealing?

Let’s talk.

चल बात करते है


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What will change when Video Mirror Feedback® is working? Will you…

  • land the job or promotion?

  • nail the presentation?

  • get the green-light for your project?

  • raise millions in venture capital?

My clients have achieved every one of these. They are C-suite executives, scientists, engineers, managers, and change agents in myriad fields from companies and organizations including...


7 Communication Challenges

Do you struggle with any of these?

  1. Too much verbal clutter (um’s, ah’s, likes, ya knows)
  2. Tones of voice that dilute your message
  3. Body language that’s incongruent or inappropriate
  4. Presentation skills that keep falling short
  5. Interview skills that aren’t landing the job
  6. 1-1 skills that turn people off or kill negotiations
  7. Sheer will power instead of authentic confidence
If yes, read on to find out more about my Video Mirror Feedback System and how it has helped others.

Developing trust is vital.

Developing trust is vital.

Video Mirror Feedback® System

Video Mirror Feedback (VMF) evolved out of my first career as an award-winning video producer and interviewer. Seeing myself on video one day, I suddenly realized that…

Everyone already knows how I’m coming across. I don’t want to be the last to know.

After conducting research, I developed this method for taking the guess work out of “knowing thyself” and deciding which communication skills to focus on.

Unique as every client is, they all have two goals in common:
1) Awareness of exactly what they can do to come across more clearly and concisely;
2) Confidence in their ability to do so every day and especially when stakes are high.

You can expect:

  • Sustainable changes in 3-6 months

  • Changes in less than 3 mos. with the PQ Mental Fitness App

  • Non-judgmental rapport tailored to your priorities (career &/or personal)

  • Flexible scheduling

  • Confidentiality & ethics pledge

Carlyn's powerful use of video feedback has quickly and consistently yielded improved communication from our senior scientists, leaders with no time to spare.

Anna Trask
SVP, Decibel Therapeutics
Boston, MA


Together, we’ll train your brain for… Confidence. Clarity. Impact.

Brain science has taught us that you can develop new neural pathways at any age. This means you can literally train your brain to make more skillful communication choices. The key is knowing what to practice. That’s where Video Mirror Feedback® comes in.

We’ll work together to discover what’s blocking you, unlock your potential, and clear the way for more desirable communication habits to take hold–verbal and nonverbal.

Practice doesn’t “make perfect,” but it does make new neural pathways. Step by step, VMF helps build them quickly so you can express yourself with confidence and clarity.


Choose your communication before it chooses for you.

- Carlyn


Presentation Preparation

Communication Coaching

Interview Practice

Career Coaching


What Clients Say...

"Carlyn helped me learn to allow people to see the real me (empathy and all) and still respect me as a leader."

- Marco Casarin, President
Oncimmune USA LLC
Read Full Testimonial >

"Carlyn’s accelerated approach helped me replace an unproductive habit with an alternative. Fast. Within a few weeks, the old habit was all but gone. Three months later, it rarely shows up."

- Karen Fifer Ferry, MBA
Former Executive Director
Boston Medical Center HealthNet

"Within minutes, I identified mannerisms, thought patterns, and language that didn't serve me well. Carlyn skillfully helped me practice slight changes that have improved my ability to close more sales. Whatever your business, you’ll be better for her coaching."

- J. Sheldon Snodgrass, MBA
Steady Sales

"Carlyn’s distinctive method enabled me to see aspects of myself that I was unaware of. Her skillful questions made it comfortable to welcome the new self-awareness that led to lasting changes in my professional and personal communication. I'm a better physician, professor, wife, and mother thanks to Carlyn’s coaching."

- Suzanne E. Mitchell, M.D., M.S.
Assistant Professor
Boston Medical Center

"I thought I’d moved beyond my anger at my abusive, deceased father. Working with Carlyn on video, I saw from my body language that I was still profoundly angry. This discovery prompted a conversation with my 94-year-old mother — the most truthful we'd ever had — that helped me truly put my anger to rest. For the two final years of my mom's life, our relationship had an authentic quality I’d never known with her before."

- Daniel A. Brown
Taos, New Mexico


About Carlyn Saltman

I have over 20 years experience using video to help executives and leaders in every field deepen their self-awareness, build confidence, and choose how to “show up,” especially for high-stakes interactions. The result? Immediate and observable improvements in your work, relationships, and life.

Changes that stick. 

 Read full bio >

